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Hello Parcade Comunity,

we are pleased to announce the release of Kitkour, the latest addition of Parkour modes to our Parkour server. It serves as a replacement for our previous gamemode Dragon Escape. This step was necessary due to the exit of our DE developer a few months ago. With the release of Kitkour, the Dragon Escape server has been closed but only after all your stats had been transferred to the Parkour server. A friendly Kitkour villager has been added to the Parkour lobby.

The kits that are available for now are Leaper (classic), Brewer (revamped) and Kitless. More kits are planned for the future!

Furthermore, all maps from the DE server have been moved over to the Parkour server and are now playable with all other Parkour features, i.e. Practice and Duels/Battles. Only kitless runs on Kitkour maps count towards the elo ranking.

Aside from Kitkour we have added the option to sort maps of any category by their release date! The xp leaderboard should be working again via /xplb and various other bug fixed are also being released with this update.

We hope you're going to have a lot of fun with the DE maps on the Parkour server and will break many world records. Happy Parkouring!

Kitkour Update about 1 year ago

Hello Parcade Community,

as not many of you know, the Parcade Network has been around for exactly 5 years now. (That is only true if I did not fail math). I as Founder and Owner of Parcade want to generally say thank you for everyone of you who supports Parcade by playing parkour and showing interest in our project.

I never expected that my Dragon Escape Building Project would end up being a community. My goal was simply to build a nice and high quality map (Archipel) that would get accepted to the server "Mineplex". I do want to thank some of the Mineplex Team for giving us Dragon Escape. We would definitely not be here, if they stopped having this game a few years ago or never released it.

Over 7 years ago a server named Multicube that offered parkour duels shut down which inspired my great friend
Timmetatsch and me to open a platform for players to play parkour on.

BUT this project never happened the way we wanted and we closed it due to lack of activity, motivation and other reasons. That we would come back together and work on this project some years later, still makes me incredibly thankful. The work and energy Tim put into this project is far too extensive to write about here and my words could never life up to the incredible ambitions and work this man put in this project in his free time. I enjoyed every second of it.

This project also could have never happened if we didn't have
Maximus. A true fighter who had a goal and wanted to bring Dragon Escape for the Dragon Escape Community with new features and without GWEN. He wanted to make the people happy who have been around for so long and put a lot of resources into this project. He is still around till today and he helped me to own and manage this server when I wasn't able to. I am happy you are here Maxi, to make this possible.

We can't forget
Radoje17 who with his competences built a foundation, we could stand on and made most of the technical structure of this network possible. Team Parcade will ever be thankful and never forget what you have done for us. Good luck on your new way! We hope you remember us.

There is obviously countless of people who helped with the server and I could never forget any of you. But my special thanks goes to
Weirdo, Cerdax, Hapu, Bourkupine, muffin_mobber, VerryRare and zXMaxXz for caring so much for this project in the 5 years and heavily influenced, how it looks today.

The next part is dedicated to the community, I know we had our moments and not everything was great. But I hope that a lot of you still enjoy this project as much as I do and share the good moments we had in this 5 years. I can't promise you a great future. But what I can promise you is that I will continue in 2023 to do all I am able to do to keep Parcade alive and make it a better place :).

Not going to talk around it much, as a special gift from Team Parcade, the gold rank will be off 50% for a week. Lifetime Gold will cost 6€ for roughly 7 days. Make sure to check this offer out and get yourself full access for the practice station or gift it to a friend or fellow parcade players. I will donate 50% of the revenue we will get from the gold ranks to homeless people, who cannot celebrate New Years the way we do.or to victims of human trafficking.

Thank you for playing once again. Hope to see you next year. :)
Bwen391 / K_391 and Team Parcade

5 Years of Parcade about 1 year ago


We are happy to present to you the latest Parkour update!


For over a year our builders have been busy creting new maps, designed specifically for speedrunning, rather than casual parkour. Those new maps will become part of the new map section: Cerkour.

Cerkour (named after its ideator; Cerdax), will be released with over 40 brand new maps! They are grouped in three categories (easy, moderate, hard) and can be joined via the new Cerkour villager that you can find in the lobby.

With the evergrowing number of Parkour maps it became necessary to modify the way players can search and find maps. That is why we decided to change the structure of our map system and the design of our map menus.

Maps are now grouped into different sections, namely Classic, Cerkour and Legacy (with more to come in the future).

Existing maps that only exist for sentimental reasons and maps that are no longer up to general Parcade standard will be moved to the legacy section. Some old Super Jump maps may also be brought back and put into this section if they don't meet our map standards.

To promote certain maps similar to how we promoted new maps in the past, we are introducing featured maps. Featured maps are a group of up to 8 maps for Classic, and up to 8 maps for Cerkour. They will include (but not exclusively) all new maps and thus replace the old new-map-promotion-system. 

Featured maps give xp and cubics boosts and are available in practice mode for all players!

To reduce the supression of maps on back pages in the map menu, more sorting options are available.

You can now easily see which maps you have already finished. Additionally, personal bests and world records are now displayed in map descriptions.

To make Parkour even more competitive, we are introducing an elo ranking! In contrast to xp or cubics, your elo points reflect how good you are in comparison to others based on leaderboard positions.

For each Classic and Cerkour map, your position in the leaderboard corresponds to a certain amount of elo points. The average of all your per-map elo points gives your total elo score. Getting surpassed on the leaderboard by someone else reduces your score, whereas passing someone else on the leaderboard improves your elo score.

Each elo score corresponds to an elo rank. 

A hologram in the lobby displays the best elo players. To check your own score+rank perform:

  • /rank          # for your own score
  • /rank [player] # for someone elses score

To view more pages of the elo ranking other than the first one (which is displayed by the hologram), perform:

  • /ranklb [page]


Other changes:

  • we brought back the Christmas lobby
  • when reaching a checkpoint, your current time will now be printed to chat
  • a new paper item lets you jump to the next/previous map in-game by right-/left-clicking
  • in the setting book you can find a new setting to change the scoreboard design (painting item)
  • navigation compass has been overhauled
  • lobby scoreboard now shows more useful information
  • we have made fundamental changes to our core Parcade plugins which makes it easier for us to moderate the server and add new parkour-unrelated features. This should hopefully not affect you at all

Bug fixes:

  • custom start/end in practice have less constraints now
  • flowing water works properly as death block
  • 1-block deep water works properly as death block
  • a rare duel bug, where the player gets stuck when they quit the duel during teleportation phase has been fixed
  • touching a death block now resets the timer correctly in practice

Parkour Update: Cerkour, Elo, Map System and more! about 1 year ago

Welcome to the new Parcade website! It's not complete just yet but stable enough for future announcement posts to be made here!

Parcade Website about 1 year ago